So Perfect She’ll Be

By Tamara Howell

At first, when my tiny new baby was born,

She looked, oh, so perfect to me.

But, after a few days or weeks had gone by,

The doctors said, “No, wait and see.”

We watched as our sweet little bundle of joy

Did not learn the things babies do.

We soon realized, with sadness and tears,

What the doctors had told us was true.

With sorrow we watched as our daughter grew up.

Though she had such a spirit so sweet,

She’d never experience much in her life.

Her potential on earth she’d not meet.

Though her mind is unusual, her countenance, too,

We’ve had such a strong bond of love.

I can’t wait to see what my daughter will be

When we meet once again up above.

Yes, I know that inside of her imperfect shell

Is a spirit so perfect, we’ll see.

And someday in Heaven, a body to match,

My daughter, so perfect she’ll be.