“Remembering Heaven”

By Tamara Howell

It seems I should remember the time before our birth,

The time we lived in Heaven, before we came to earth.

Were we wrapped in the loving arms of Father,

Or gathered and taught at Mother’s knee?

Did they teach us the great Plan of Salvation,

And the truths of all Eternity?

Oh, I wish I could remember of their tender, loving care,

For I know – I must have been there.

It seems I should remember the time we made the choice

Of the plan that Jesus offered, while list'ning to his voice.

Did we stand strong and fight beside our Savior,

So steadfast and valiant thru and thru?

Did we have strength of character and honor

In our hearts, with testimony true?

Oh, I wish I could remember when we knelt with him in prayer,

For I know – I must have been there.

It seems I should remember the time before this place,

Did we know the tests we’d suffer, the sorrows we would face?

Did we choose who would be our earthly parents,

And those who would be our family?

Did I make special promises to help you,

And did you make promises to me?

Oh, I wish I could remember of that time that we once shared,

For I know – I must have been there.

Oh, remember, in Heaven we were there.

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